Seeking to apply new pressure on President Donald Trump over his ties to Russia, the liberal Center for American Progress Action Fund is bringing on a former State Department official to run its new “Moscow Project,” while advocating the creation of an independent investigation even while the Senate Intelligence Committee’s probes proceed.

Max Bergmann — a former member of the State Department’s policy planning staff who was previously a speechwriter for Secretary John Kerry and a special assistant to the under secretary for arms control and international security — will lead the group’s efforts on Russia as political scrutiny mounts over alleged ties between Trump’s campaign and Russian intelligence. The organization is in the process of hiring more researchers and communications staff in its war room, which is run by former Harry Reid aide Adam Jentleson.

In addition to issuing a six-page memo to Capitol Hill offices on February 15 — the document called for an investigation just hours after the New York Times reported contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russian intelligence officers — the group is also launching digital ads targeted at House Speaker Paul Ryan in his home state of Wisconsin.

Aimed at Trump voters, Ryan voters, and veterans, the spots call on the speaker to support an independent investigation, which has been a rallying cry for some Democrats but few Republicans.

The “Moscow Project” represents a significant outside effort to move forward on the investigations of Trump, which Democrats have been eager to pursue, especially since the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn over his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States. But party leaders have been concerned about appearing overly partisan, and the memo — which includes a long list of “questions that must be answered publicly” — advocates the kind of commission outside of Capitol Hill that has so far been proposed by Democratic senators including Ben Cardin, Patrick Leahy, Dianne Feinstein, Tom Carper, and Amy Klobuchar.

Such a probe would have bipartisan membership, subpoena power, and a full-time staff.

The circulated missive, titled, “RE: Investigations into Russian Interference,” insists that Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuse himself from oversight of prosecutors investigating the president, and it suggests that elected officials be willing and prepared to walk away from the GOP-led committee investigations if they’re not both thorough and transparent. It also called the need for a 9/11 Commission-style investigation “more critical than ever,” while acknowledging the ongoing formal efforts by both the Senate and House Intelligence committees.

“While these committee investigations are important, questions remain whether they will have the freedom to fully investigate all the serious allegations in the public domain, including subpoena power for the chairman and ranking member. In past moments of crisis from Watergate to 9/11, Americans have ultimately benefited from having both congressional inquiries and independent commissions,” read the note. “Indeed, an independent commission would ensure that both parties have full authority to investigate. Perhaps most importantly, it is essential that the process be non-partisan in order to fully explore the Trump team’s involvement.”

Attempting to guide along the efforts, it also insisted that any investigation must include: “A full list of all contacts between the Trump campaign, its staff, and informal advisers with Russian officials, including any Russian intelligence officials, and/or WikiLeaks; Access to transcripts or recordings of those communications, including between General Flynn and Russian Ambassador Kislyak, as well as Donald Trump and President Putin prior to the inauguration; An accounting and summary of briefings given to Members of Congress prior to and after the election on this topic.”
